Departing - Another Rant

Posted by The Madbiker on Tue, Jan 24, 2017

It’s been a while since I have updated this blog, a lot has happened to me since my last post so I shall start where I left off. After leaving my bike at the home of my friend in Galicia I flew back to the UK and arrived a Stanstead airport only to find that my flight to Glasgow was delayed by a couple of hours by snow on the runways, however eventually the plane took off and I was Scotland bound once again.

As I travelled from Glasgow airport to my home the views of Glasgow from the motorway made my heart sink like the Titanic and like it, I hit rock bottom very quickly. On my way hoe I stopped at a large supermarket to get some provisions and was quickly reminded of the lack of common courtesy displayed by most people who shop there.

As I got back to my house I thought to myself, the same horrible weather, the same horrible people and so for the next couple of months, I amused myself by taking part in the pantomime that is “Selling a House”.

God almighty!

It was one thing after another, and at the heart of it all, was the incompetent conduct, sometimes bordering on misconduct, buffoonery and other sundry bad examples of the so called legal profession at its best. Solicitors operate a self-sustaining monopoly/cartel on such work and not only do they charge you through the nose for their work, they even charge when they get it wrong and then you have to pay another one of them to sort out what you had already paid for in the first instance. If any other person in such a supposedly responsible job behaved like that then they would be sacked.

I mean look at doctors who engage in medical malpractice and kill their patients, they go to jail, right?

MP’s who defraud the public purse, they also go to jail, right?

Primary school teachers whose pupils go to secondary school unable to read or write get sacked, right?

Council workers who mess up everything they touch, they get shown to the door, right?

No, actually none of that happens and that is in my humble opinion the whole problem. No longer is a so called professional person, a politician nor a public servant (with a few exceptions) held responsible or accountable for their actions. They investigate their own and then after a few buckets of white paint are thrown around, the victim of the unfounded attack on the honour of the professional or MP or Council employee who (was negligent or dishonest or incompetent) is totally exonerated from any or all blame, despite causing the real victim untold heartache and usually considerable financial expense,

Then if by some miracle blame is correctly attributed to one of these people, what happens is that the public have to turn out their pockets to directly or indirectly pick up the tab for the financial compensation for all of this negligent or dishonest or incompetent behaviour.

Turkeys never vote for Christmas do they!. (Rant over)