The Covid Lockdowns and Three Years Down

Posted by The Madbiker on Tue, Apr 28, 2020

The Madness Begins

About a week or so after I arrived at my friend’s home in Galcia I started to hear media reports of an outbreak of the Covid 19 virus in the Cremona area of Northern Italy where a large number of people were apparently getting very ill and or dying, apparently as a result of being infected by this virus.

Once I realised that I had passed through the epicentre of the Italian outbreak two days before I had my bout of fever, I looked up some of the known symptoms etc. pertaining to this virus. Lo and behold an incubation period of two days and one of the lesser symptoms was fever and or shivers. However all I had was one night of fever and if one cares to look at fever as a symptom, the list of “diseases” that this can be attributed to is almost endless.

However, as I watched within weeks what can only be described as a media induced panic had swept the globe and almost all countries were closing their borders in an attempt to halt the spread of the virus which the media had portrayed as a deadly killer. A few weeks later and the new media driven plan put forward to the all of the politicians in control was to put the world’s population under house arrest, as this was now the only way to prevent the extinction of the human race. As time passed more and more ridiculous and downright stupid ideas were being suggested daily as policy or legislation to combat the spread of this alleged virus, and I say alleged because no-one had actually shown proof of it’s existence outside of a computer.

Patently idiotic ideas were invariably then enacted it to law and or mandated by the politicians who allowed themselves to be driven in to a corner from which they could not escape by the media. The media pressure was such that if anyone in power did not go along with these wildly stupid ideas, all anyone in the media needed to do was to merely hint that by not doing so that person was “killing people” then the pack of wolves would be baying for that person’s blood. This media driven pressure was enough to ensure that whatever ridiculous idea was put forward as a supposedly good way to combat the spread or lessen the impact of the alleged virus was promoted, and anyone that disagreed with it, was at risk of being publicly branded as a cold callous killer. Thus, by fear of what the media might publish about them, those in power succumbed to the madness that then ensued.

The public perception of reality was being altered by the media and everyone seemed happy to go along with it and the totally absurd idea that a paper mask could prevent a virus particle that was allegedly to be too small to be seen under a conventional microscope, from entering the body, was placed in the minds of people by the media, and this patently absurd idea eventually took hold in public opinion. Therefore, now suddenly when you wore a paper mask, it could somehow make possible that which had been previously stated as impossible from happening, to prevent someone from becoming ill.

The same media driven madness was pushed in to public perception about the transmission of the alleged virus being somehow prevented by increasing the proximity between people, and so the phrase “Social Distancing” was born. Again, this madness somehow altered the previous perception of how viruses are allegedly transmit between humans in the real world and put an arbitrary, and in most cases, totally fabricated limit on the ability of the alleged virus to travel through the air.

Another example of this madness at work is the phrase “Asymptomatic Carrier” As far as I know, in the case of any alleged infectious disease you either have symptoms of the disease or you do not, therefore it stands to reason that if you do not have symptoms then you can not be have the alleged disease and if you are not infected then how can you allegedly be contagious and pass on something that you do not have in your body. The notion that you can have no symptoms but can somehow be infectious is biologically impossible, even supposing that contagion is a genuine concern, but this madness has caused people to believe that the “Asymptomatic Carrier” walks among us spreading disease to everyone whilst having no symptoms of any alleged disease.

I saw the madness was everywhere and it was infecting every aspect of public life. In one Spanish coastal town the mayor decided that to prevent the spread of the virus the public beach needed to be sprayed with bleach, even although at the time the public were banned from being on it.

The result of this lunacy?

Needless to say the spraying of bleach on to the sand ensured that all of the wildlife on the beach was killed by the process. The idiot responsible was subsequently heavily criticised but not sacked and what he did was forgiven as it was deemed to be about public health, keeping people safe, and defeating the virus. In what sane world does spraying a beach with bleach keep anyone safe? If you do not subscribe to these new interpretations of reality you are viewed with suspicion and any attempt at reasonable discussion about this results in you being called “Selfish” “Uncaring” or any other negative name that they can conjure up for you.

So here I am, perfectly healthy, symptom free but trapped and under house arrest, only permitted to leave for exercise and if I do go out, despite the fact that I am perfectly healthy, I must wear a mask that can not prevent me from inhaling an alleged airborne virus particle which no-one has yet proven to exist or has found in any human, living or dead. I must also be “socially distanced” from people at a distance which can not stop me from inhaling any alleged virus particle expelled by them whether they are wearing a paper mask or otherwise and apparently, I can also not congregate with more than three other people. However, if I do not wear a paper mask and do not socially distance and or I am in the company of four other people, I am somehow contributing to spreading an alleged virus which I am not infected with, and by extension of this nonsensical argument, I am somehow responsible for killing people. Am I the only one in the word that sees the lunacy in all of this?

However, as time passes and the restrictions on personal movement show no signs of being relaxed, I realised that it has now been three years since I started on my adventure. I have to admit that not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined how the world would have changed in the three years since I had left the UK on my adventure. I struggle to believe how the ordinary people of the world could have been herded in to a state of such fear of death over an alleged virus that allegedly kills less than 0.03 percent of those who develop symptoms, without a shred of evidence to back up such claims, so that they would gladly give up their liberty and freedom just to live under the false illusion that such restrictions could actually have any real world impact on whether or not they could catch an allegedly deadly virus.

I can only hope that this situation is temporary and I can resume my adventure, however, my sense of foreboding is something that I can not shake and I suspect that there is more to come on this front.