Reasons For Departure...

Posted by The Madbiker on Wed, Oct 19, 2016

I fully expected that the next post that I made in this blog would be something to do with my bike and how it is now serviced and ready to hurtle off towards the setting sun….

However one of the many reasons as to why I have taken a dislike to this country has just sneaked up and prodded me in the eye. I should know better by now but against my better judgement I had a quick look at the evening news as hosted by the BBC (Biased Broadcasting Corporation) only to be informed that as a result of BREXIT, inflation is on the rise and prices of goods including petrol are expected to rise as a result. I get that, with a weaker pound imported products will cost more, but petrol?

This is news to me but according to the upper class twit the BBC produced to explain to the assembled peasantry, the UK apparently buys its oil in US Dollars and since the pound has fallen against the dollar oil is therefore more expensive to buy. Like the argument for imported goods this sounds reasonable unless you are an adult with an IQ over 20, semi-literate, and or live in central Scotland.

Now if you do not live in this part of the world I know you must be thinking to yourself, what is so special about central Scotland?

Well in this part of the world is a town called Grangemouth and in this sleepy hamlet by the sea there is a huge oil refinery that is directly linked by a pipeline to the Forties oil field in the North Sea. This refinery is so big that for about a 20 mile radius all you can see are the massive flames above the refinery caused by the excess gas from the refining process burning off. The platforms of the Forties oil field are reported to push about a half of million barrels of oil a day along this pipeline in to the Grangemouth refinery or storage tanks linked to it. I mean there is so much oil coming down that pipeline that they actually have to put it in to tankers and ship the stuff to other parts of the world. Now for some strange reason that escapes me, this oil which is extracted from UK waters and piped to Scotland comes ashore as US dollars in liquid form. I might be missing something here but do they really expect us to believe that this UK Government owned oil is somehow sold on the markets and then bought back in US Dollars as it sits in tanks in Grangemouth?

No, I think not!

For me such tripe is just another way to justify the shameless fleecing of the public by those politicians who are really in business for themselves or beholdent to their super rich cronies and could not give a toss about those that they claim to represent. They use any excuse to increase the price of stuff everyone needs by as much as they can get away with while they and their friends use the profits to fund luxurious lifestyles in the deductibles section of their tax returns, whilst the public is not allowed to deduct anything from his or her tax return. The worst of it all is that the so-called journalists of the BBC who pass on the bad news to the great unwashed (or as we are also sometimes known the “Tax Payers”) appear never to question such ridiculous nonsense. As far as I can see these luvvies are all neck deep in the trough along with big business, politicians, and the rest of their champagne socialist cronies.

This nonsense perfectly illustrates how this country is being run by a small minority of bubble dwelling useful idiots who are so out of touch with reality that not only don’t they realise that they are getting worked from the back by the puppet master in his off-shore tax haven but their strings are so well pulled that they blindly perpetuate his propaganda message that this country is actually a wonderful place for ordinary people in which to live and work! These moronic politicians are blinded to reality by notions of superiority which are unfortunately re-enforced by the media luvvies who are all from the same broken mould as they are, and they continue to spout the endless torrents of media produced drivel about Scotland the wonderful, or Glasgow the city of culture, and Edinburgh the Athens of the North.

These luvvies churn out their vomit inducing propaganda ridden articles that repeatedly wax lyrical about the plethora of refined social activities one can indulge in when one visits these wonderful cities from ones plush suburban dwelling. They salivate over the art, sculpture, music, and fine dining experiences to be had in Glasgow and Edinburgh but they never wax lyrical about the fact that Glasgow, city of culture, has the second highest murder rate per capita of any city in Europe and Edinburgh, the Athens of the North, is the most crime ridden city in Scotland. I wonder why not?

But then again when you spend all you time looking at the world from inside a wealth induced bubble, I suppose even a freshly laid dog turd sitting steaming in the middle of a potholed strip of tarmac that aspires to be a pavement in a drug and crime infested housing estate, could be viewed as some form of post-modernist masterpiece, whilst to we peasants, it is just like the news, merely another pile of fresh unwanted shit dumped on our doorstep and something that is best avoided.

Rant over.