December 2023 Part Two

Posted by The Madbiker on Sun, Dec 17, 2023

The Americas - Getting Started

I am now in Panama and I am preparing to continue my RTW trip from here.

I have bought a new Himalayan from the local dealer here and as it only had 2 kilometres on the clock, I had to begin the process of breaking the engine in. So in real terms that means keeping the engine speeds below 3,000 RPM for the first 300 miles (500 km) which translates in to a top speed of 40 mph (60 kph)

I left the dealership and headed for the nearest petrol station to fill up and that’s when I noticed an oil leak on the left hand side of the engine. I had a similar leak on the previous bike and it was the O ring behind the camshaft cover plate that had failed, and on this occasion the same O ring failed, so it was back to the dealers and I left it there to be fixed.

My plan is to travel the Americas from Tierra Del Fuego in Patagonia to Dead Horse in Alaska but in exactly when, and in which direction I shall start heading in, I have not yet decided. I have a few personal things to sort out in Panama and I need to run the bike in before I can think about starting to travel so for the time being I shall probably just stick to exploring Panama.

Whilst the bike was being fixed I took a jaunt down to the historic site of Old Panama that apparently dates back to the 1600’s.

Also whilst walking around the city exploring bike shops, I happened to pass over a river only to see a very large alligator basking in the sun.