Five Years Down
It has been five years since I left Scotland to begin my Round The World trip (RTW) and who would have guessed how the world would have so dramatically changed since April 2017.

Since leaving, I have travelled in excess of forty thousand miles on my bike(s) and yet I find myself still in Europe. The reasons for this are a combination of my own tardiness and the world shutting down in 2020. As I wait, hoping that I will soon be able to continue with my RTW trip, my thoughts about the dramatic changes that have taken place in the world over the past two years have made me wonder in what direction the world will now move because of those changes.
I have never really felt as if I fitted in well with the rest of society in which I grew up and as an adult, whether that be in employment or in general society, that feeling has only grown and the events of the last two years have only served to greatly exacerbate such feelings. I have always been somewhat of a societal outlier, never comfortable with attention nor desiring popularity, I always seemed to see a different reality than most other people so maybe that is why I am a biker.
As I have grown older I have seen my view of reality and the view of reality held by most other people grow further and further apart. My view of reality has always been shaped by what I witnessed and physically experienced and if I wanted to know more about something I did my own research on it, taking what I saw and read in the media with a pinch of salt. However, increasingly I have noticed that most people are content to have their reality given to them by media driven popular opinion or by “authoritative” sources rather than take the time to find out about things for themselves. As a result of just accepting what is presented to them, the opinions that they form usually vastly differ to those that I form, further increasing my divergence from mainstream society.
Initially, when I saw a major divergence in realities between me and someone that I was close to, I was compelled to speak out, which I did again and again. I repeatedly tried to get others to stand back and take a long hard objective look at what was unfolding before them, but sadly few of them did. Now I don’t even try to speak to such people as I have found it to be a futile endeavour. As I have watched, the number of divisions in society have grown larger and deeper. I have also realised that society was not just being polarised, it was being completely fractured.
In my opinion, the main cause of this fracturing was that delusions of the minority were being forced on the majority and any dissenters were vilified, abused, or silenced. Assertions that there are more than two genders is the perfect example of one such deluded reality. I saw the delusional who believed that they were fighting victimisation, victimise others in the name of their particular delusion. I also saw that no amount of evidence proving any contrary position would break through their delusion and cause them to question it. Anything that challenged their chosen delusion, such as evidence to the contrary, was instantly ignored or denied by them. I did not for one minute imagine that such issues could or would get worse.
Then came 2020.
Who would have guessed?
All over the world, at the same time, an identical new false reality was rolled out by the Governments in every country supported by willing partners, the media and the so called academics and scientists. Driven by a fear of contracting a supposedly deadly virus that would kill billions across the globe if left unchecked, the majority of the public who were gripped by fear of death, readily accepted this new reality that caused them to willingly accept imprisonment within their own homes, unprecedented draconian restrictions on their lives, their freedoms, and devastation to the economies of their countries.
The only choices that were promulgated to them were to accept an experimental gene therapy injection with undisclosed contents or certain death or not and be labelled a “Granny Killer” and become a social leper. Thus another new delusional reality that was intentionally created and pushed on to everyone became mainstream opinion and belief.
Then came March 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine. Again, just as with the so called pandemic, all over the world, at the same time, another new purpose built reality was rolled out by the media in every country. Russia is evil and Ukraine is an innocent victim of Russian aggression. Oh and by the way, because of this war, everything that you need to survive, food, water, fuel, etc. will be in short supply in every country in the world and these things will cost you much more than it previously cost solely because of this particular war.
Again, a new fabricated reality is pushed on the public, the majority of whom willingly and blindly accept it as the truth. This war will cause a further fracturing of society in one way or another to the detriment of ordinary people, but not those protected from the harsh realities of life by their wealth and positions of power or influence and certainly not to those who profit from such emergencies and catastrophes by supplying miracle cures or arms.
What I have written about above is the constant use of divide and conquer techniques that I have observed in my lifetime which I believe have deliberately been used on the public by those in power to psychologically condition people so that they have an unquestioning belief in any story that is presented to them. I am genuinely staggered that most people believe the information that is presented to them as factual news without questioning anything about it, even when their own real life experience is different from what they are being told.
I would have imagined that after the lock downs and all of the economic devastation caused by all of the travel restrictions and insane mandates over the last two years, some people would be more circumspect in their acceptance of what is presented to them as the truth by the media and their Governments. However, it would seem that even after all that has happened over the last two years, the vast majority of people are content to sit with their faces buried in their mobile phones, to be hypnotised by television, to be told by their Governments what to think and what opinions to hold, and to have their favourite take away food delivered to their door buy UberEats while society slowly dissolves around them through divisions and hatreds fabricated by those who wish to do us harm.
I have always known that there was something wrong in the world but until a number of years ago I was unable to mentally articulate it. I then realised that the world that I was living in was not what it seemed and what I was being told and being shown by my Government and the media was largely preventing me from seeing the world as it really is. I then knew that I did not want to end up like the majority of people who are oblivious to the false reality that they live in. That is when I decided that I could no longer live in my previous world, I knew that I had to get off the hamster wheel and find a different life to live and where I could be honest with myself and with others.
We are all currently living in very dark times but despite what I have written here, I do not despair at the world and the direction that current events and some very bad people are taking us in, because I believe that most people are intrinsically good and all they want is to live a quiet life amongst family and friends. Wherever possible I shall always try to help others who want to be helped and I hope that if ever I need help some kind soul will oblige.