Departing - Part Two

Posted by The Madbiker on Tue, Feb 21, 2017

The Northwest of Spain where my friend lives reminds me of Scotland, it is a place full of mountains, tree covered slopes, and deep dark bodies of water. Like Scotland for about two or three months of the year it is cold, it is cloudy, and it rains a lot but this is where the similarities end as for the rest of the year it is sunny and warm.

During the winter months, largely due to the amount of water in this area, a ground frost or mist usually lingers till about 10 o’clock in the morning until the sun disposes of it.

However much I may like to think that this place resembles Scotland it is most definitely does not and I am glad of that. The cleanliness of the village, the politeness of the inhabitants, and the absence of anti social individuals attests to this fact.

When I was in Glaicia I spent my days walking with my friend and his dog in an around the village where he stays and around 1 o’clock we would usually head off to the local bars for some tapas and conversation.

The local people where my friend lives are in the main are very welcoming of foreigners like myself and as long as an attempt to speak Spanish is made they are more than willing to meet most people half way.

However, my days there all too quickly came to and end and I as I stated in my previous post I have temporarily returned to Scotland in order to get rid of a final few anchors.

Having been back in Scotland for a couple of weeks now, I realise that the decision that I have made to permanently leave this country is the correct one. I know that for some people I am merely doing what so many other people before me have done in that I perhaps see greener grass on the other side of the fence and most of those who I have told of my intentions are adamant that I will climb over only to find that it was not the case and have to return home.

For me, trying to explain my reasons for leaving to such people is a pointless exercise. The lack of comprehension on their faces when I explain to them that there is more to life than the acquisition of wealth or possessions almost makes me laugh if it were not so sad.

In my opinion time is the only valuable commodity that any of us ever really have and only fools squander it.